Tangled In A Shoe Spell
love shoes. In fact, the finest accessories in my closet are my shoes. I have a
bizarre craving to acquire several shoes since ages and at the pace I am going,
that day is not far away when I may have to get my very own shoe closet. My
husband is on the verge of flipping out as I have intruded his shoe closet
space but hey, a girl’s gotta have her shoes!!!!

up, it always helped to have a sibling who shares in your passion and is also
your best critic. No doubt our foot size never matched but our flair in shoes pretty
much did. So putting it all together, I can safely say we had more shoes than
normal and we were so proud of our collection. But c’mon the fact is that an
average woman owns about nineteen pairs of shoes!!!!

a start I adore flats. I never go overboard with high heels. I mean, it is
gorgeous to wear them, but I don’t want to suffer from nasty lower back
injuries. So I always shop for comfort and trend. Be it ballerinas or sandals,
this summer it is going to be just that for me. Once in a while, I may throw in
some fashion sneakers, pumps or flip flops just to change my rhythm. I always
knew that my pursuit of shopping would render my temptation for shoes. I have successfully overcome my temptation mainly because I am running out of
closet space!!

summer is all about flat sandals and wedges. Of course once in a while throw in
fashion sneakers and sling backs to paint the town red. Did you know that
originally sandals were made to protect feet from heat and sunburn??? Now, they
are considered elegant accessories that styles well with a sundress. What a
revelation of sorts! Shoes are indeed those delicate accessories that make or
break an impression. You may not have the best attire on, but your shoes can make
your look completely stylish. What more to ask for!!!!

be afraid to tryout ankle straps and pumps. Summer is the best time to wear
what you like and express your style statement. Forget about what the film stars
and experts are donning and which designer shoes they wear. These guys pay to
get tailored and almost end up looking goofy or over styled and then criticized
royally by the fashion police. I guess it is fine to dream about having your
designer collection someday, but let’s face it, just go with your fashion instincts,
it won’t let you down.
pay attention to your style. It is all about your chic statement and your
comfort and what gives you that wow factor when you look at yourself in the
mirror before stepping out. Remember to give your feet some breathing room this
summer as the temperature is going to soar. Beach sandals and open shoes, maybe
flip flops are best for those hot days. Just remember that shoes can grab the attention
of anyone in public. It is a depiction of your personality and don’t worry
about who is judging you, just wear your style and step out with the right

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